You broke it, you fix it (assuming you are able, which is so huge an assumption, I can't make it)

In other words, despite how desperately the ENTIRE Bush family doesn't want to see it, FEMA needs to be remade. And if Bush can't do, it's because he can't do, not because it can't be done.
Reports in the last 2 days assess responsibiltiy for the poor reaction to Katrina. One report says that FEMA is so badly fucked up, it needs to be ditched. Both more or less agree with something I've been saying since the first time I saw people sitting on roofs in New Orleans on TV: the calvary, the guys on horses with guns and trumpets, who ride over the hill after you've fired your last bullet, is a national entity. There isn't a state calvalry, or a local one. When local resources are swamped, who is supposed to come to the rescue? The reports say: the Feds...
(The video showing Bush receiving word of the seriousness of the impending hurricane also points up the Feds' special responsibility, not lived up to)
That isn't to say that there is no local or state responsibility. There is. But considering that this admin was in place on 9/11, and campaigned on their ability to keep you safe...
And Bush, not anyone on the state or local level, sent most of the Louisiana National Guard away from Louisiana to guard our Iraq...
Kids, why do we let the Bush clique have the keys to the government? You all know FEMA worked fine for Bill Clinton. It worked when Clinton was there, and now a Senate panel wants to dismantle it, not saying it in so many words, but it worked in 2001, and now it doesn't. What a shock! The first Bush admin found similar advice; thankfully FEMA was in Clinton's hands for the Northridge earthquake of January 17th, 1994 (my 29th birthday!).
Say whatever you want. The Bush admin broke FEMA. The Bush family should not be charge of the country in a time of national disaster (and by extension, shouldn't be in charge of the country). Just one of HW's bete noirs was his FEMA's response to Andrew, and Dubya will have Katrina hanging around his neck for...well, I guess the rest of American History. In between these shrubs, Clinton appointed an actual disaster management specialist! Holy Christ what a fucking idea! Instead of paying back hacks with political appointments, Clinton actually hired competent people to do the job.
I don't know, it may take me some time to get my head around this concept.
What has become of James Lee Witt? Okay, that's silly. Bush wouldn't reappoint one of Clinton's better appointments in an election year...he has too many hacks to pay back...
The FRONTLINE episode you can link to was repeated last week. Their findings fairly match the new government reports on Katrina; this FRONTLINE is 4 months old...