Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Beware the October Surprise!

Click the link, to be prepared.

I have been wanting to do an "October Surprise" entry for about 2 months, and I can feel the pressure build with every day that goes by this month. This link, and others, is waaaaay ahead of me, and now I realize the possibility of an OS is probably a little reduced by how obvious it would appear. But, that's never stopped Karl "Win at any Cost" Rove.

What's an "October Surprise?" Well, if you still haven't figured it out, it refers to an upcoming event that will guarantee Dubya's re-election. The most obvious example would be the sudden capture of Osama Bin Laden. Finding his body would probably provide a similar effect. Some sort of terrorist attack could also provide Dubya the kind of jolt his candidacy needs. I live next to LAX, and I think about the opinion expressed that Al Qaeda never gives up on a target (LAX was the destination of the explosives found trying to be smuggled into Washington State from Vancouver, BC, by an Al Qaeda member in 1999) as I ponder what form the October Surprise will take.

I remember the term "October Surprise" being used in conjunction with the 1980 Presidential Election, when the Republicans are said to have reached a secret deal with the Iranians to prevent the release of the hostages being held in Iran until such a point as it would not impact the election. The truth of this event is unproven. The site you reach by clicking has more insight.

Here is another AWESOME October Surprise resource:

This administration rules through fear. They think we'll happily trade our freedom for our safety. They are right, we are a bunch of cowards. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE; I know it's a cliche, but it is also appropriate. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety," a statement attributed to Benjamin Franklin, is most apt, and I concur wholeheartedly.

Freedom is not only not free, it is PRICELESS, and not easily aquired. We've NEVER gotten more freedom without a fight, and and its not easily reaquired once surrendered. It's the unifying American value. Bush says things like "Freedom is on the march," and "They hate us for our freedom." If we extend the Patriot Act, he'll be halting freedom in our own country, and at the same time, taking away some of the reasons they hate us. At last a pro-active approach! If our own freedom has been reduced by the terrorist attacks, does that mean that Al Qaeda has won or lost? If Bush wins, we will deserve what follows. Just think of how this administration will behave if they should actually, cleanly, win this election.

I will be in Las Vegas on Election Day, hoping to provide a surprise to the Republican power structure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First sighting:

October Surprise on the way?



10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If everyone is expecting the October surprise, will it still be a surprise?

8:45 AM  
Blogger TRS said...

You've struck at the heart of why I posted this: to eliminate the prospect of something inorganic affecting the campaign. An example: when Karl Rove ran Jim Clements Texas Gubenatorial campaign in 1986, on the night of the only debate, the media was talking about the big and breaking story that Rove had found a listening device in his office. A bug that is widely suspected to have been planted by Rove himself.

Republican thugs showed up to intimidate the recount process in Florida in 2000. It isn't widely reported, but this too smacks of Rove's work...shadows of Lee Atwater running the elder Bush's campaign...

And what do you know, Bin Laden appears for the first time in over a year in October...I don't see how the Republicans could have orchestrated that.

Of course, FAHRENHEIT 9/11 hints that Bush and Bin Laden are in cahoots...but I don't have much invested in that, the case hasn't been made.

10:24 AM  

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