Wednesday, August 04, 2004

What's Wrong With dubya

Click the alliterative title...

Why has Bush got to go? Okay, I will list here, one good reason. If he is wins, he puts a small percentage of our country in charge of the rest of us. That group is the Bible-is-literal-word-of-God crowd. What's the most urgent issue facing this country RIGHT NOW? There more answers to that question than there will be people that read these words! But, YOU pick...

Our security

Bad economic policy

Improving schools

Fixing the environment

homelessness/urban decay/social security/giant radioactive monsters coming out of the ocean to destroy us...

...and on and on.

What's on Bush's mind more than anything else?


Weapons of mass distraction.

Why is gay marriage so important to Dubya? Because that's what matters to the ultra-conservative (and some not-so-conservative) Christians. Why should these people have so much power? Are YOU comfortable with the amount of power they currently yield? Should our Attorney General give a FUCK if statues behind him in photos have bare breasts? Sheesh! What is this guy, Taliban? He can't look at a REPRESENTATION of a nude woman without dropping both hands to cover his pee-pee?

Create your own similar sentence about Michael Powell, head of the FCC.

But, REALLY, why do they have so much power?

Because we don't participate.

We have a democracy; but it's like having a bike you never ride. It doesn't sustain itself. The right-wing Christians have ALREADY gotten what they wanted in President Bush. They elected him in 2000, and they will in 2004 if we let them.

Okay, they SORT OF elected him.

To me, as much energy as possible should be directed in 2 ways: voter registration in the swing states (remember Florida 2000) and voter turnout election day...

Sorry, but it looks like I've found something that I can just RIFF on!


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