Thursday, August 12, 2004

Observations in traffic

Today, commuting south on Bundy in Santa Monica, around 5:30 pm...

Sorry, Ataki, if I am borrowing a motif of yours, but it was a weird one.

Two older guys, 50 - 60 years old. Southwest corner of Bundy & Venice, I think it was. They were having their own little anti-Bush rally. One guy had a salt-and-pepper beard (mostly salt), and it looked like in order to dry the beard, he would stick a fork into an electrical outlet. His sign read "Bush is a lying sack of shit." This was so hilarious to me, that I couldn't read the sign the other guy, skinny and bald, was holding. Something about the bald skinny guy reminded me of an engineer.


A big blond in an even bigger car, an expedition, I think. She needed directions to the 405. I gave them to her, and warned her about how bad the traffic would be. She wondered if she should stick to the side streets, to which I said "It depends on how far you're going."

Long pause.

"All the way! Thanks!" And she sped off...

A woman madly gesticulating behind the wheel of her car; exchanging attempts to explain what she needed with the urgent offering of the middle finger of each hand, directed all at the car ahead of her. Through her strange digital patois, I think she was trying to communicate the following:

"You need to move forward so that I can turn right!" "Fuck you! Move it! Aw, what an idiot you are! Fuck you! Fuck you!" (left hand) "Fuck you!"

Now would be the time to click the title.

All of this and more, before I hit the 10 freeway. After that, it was a routine commute home!

My folding chair creaked a little tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least twice on my way to work I've seen an old guy on a street corner with a sign that says something like "All Jews vote against Bush". While I can't recall *exactly* what the sign says, it's something like that.

"Bush is a lying sack of shit" is both funnier and probably more true.

- Ataki

5:12 PM  

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