Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Dubya of Arabia

Can you hear the swelling, dramatic music? George Dubya, now openly clad in Arabian garb, the need for ruse over, stands surveying the Arabian penninsula, from the vantage of the highest dune he could scamper over...thinking of new ways to empower Arabs that need no such help...

Yes yes, you think this is just a cheap joke...but here's something that I noticed. The least articulate world leader was suddenly making like George Plimpton when defending the merits of the ports deal with the company out of the United Arab Emirates yesterday. And if that wasn't enough, he threatened his rubber-stamp Congress with a veto (which will be his first if he ends up against a wall, and he's walking briskly towards there right now) if they should dare try to fix this. Why? IT MEANS A LOT TO HIM. It means more to him than the first Presidential debate, where he was clearly irritated by the event, why should he debate Kerry when he was going to win the election anyway? It means more to him than the capture of Osama Bin Laden...Well, his sloppy intellectual technique now leaves him revealed for the cynical, greedy bastard he is, and now we have a clear idea of how important the UAE interests are to him. Thanks, Dubya, for once studying up on an issue before you had to talk about it...

If something is important to Dubya, his "speaking game" goes way up, as does a before-now unknown concern for legislation...we see it with the UAE deal, we saw it when he CUT A VACATION SHORT! to sign legislation over the body of Terry Schiavo (who's more important? Schiavo, or the Gulf Coast?)...but don't worry, if we are hit by something like Katrina again, we know where to find you, relaxing on your ranch...making out with wealthy Saudi's...

I can understand loyalty to party, but to this guy? And he is probably the nicest member of his cadre...

I'd probably like him a lot better if I had oil to sell to this country...or maybe if I was an oil-rich Arab...or a lonely member of the Saudi royal family...or if I was brain-dead! Aha! A possible explanation!


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